Veta Bakhtina

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More About Veta

Veta Bakhtina is an Oregon based oil painter, muralist, and children's book author. Veta grew up in St. Petersburg, Russia, at the end of the Communist era and credits her exposure to uncharted nature, and tradition of heritage for much of her inspiration and working style. Veta Bakhtina’s paintings, writing, and illustrations focus on themes of home, nostalgia, and manifestations of infinity in nature through the lens and influence of a Russian–American immigrant.

The artist's principal theme in oil, entitled Internal Landscapes applies folkloric themes to natural phenomena such as the deep sea, the cosmos, and psyche. In this way the artist aims to create visceral connections with the foreign, merging symbolism from spiritual and scientific study.

Published work by Veta Bakhtina includes the children's book The Magic Traveling Bunk Bed as well as The Creatures' Secrets Animal Divination Card Deck.

Contact Veta


Instagram: @continuedproductions

Veta's Art

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Veta Bakhtina